Head and Face Fix Darth Vader with 1024 x 1024 textures by Suso - Makes Darth Vader's gameplay model more accurate to the model used in a couple of cutscenes without affecting animations, restoring higher-res textures (1024x1024 vs.Full Imperial Rage on Jabba's Barge by SirYodaJedi - Replaces the Imperial Rage music that plays on the dance floor in "The Great Pit of Carkoon" with a better quality full version from Force Commander.

Replace file in \LEVELS\EPISODE_I\RETAKEPALACE with this file to fix.

On PC, there is an active small but growing modding community for all of Traveler's Tales's Lego video games, based primarily around a Discord server. A mobile phone port was released in 2013, which has some differences from the PC and console version, the most notable being replacing "Indiana Jones" with a scarred version of Anakin from Revenge of the Sith, who can be modded into the PC version. While the console and handheld versions of the game were released in November 2007, a year after Lego Star Wars II, Windows gamers would have to wait nearly two years until October 13, 2009, and Mac OS X gamers another year, until November 16, 2010. It is an enhanced port of Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy with higher quality graphics, additional characters, two new story levels, several new bonus levels, and many changes to the Prequel Trilogy levels. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (sometimes abbreviated as "LSW:TCS" or just "TCS") is a Lego-styled action- adventure game based upon the first six Star Wars films.